
Showing posts from July, 2019

An Evidence Base in Support of the Need for Improved Clinical Practice in the Administration of 5-FU Chemotherapy Regimens

Some time ago, I said I would tell you all why I think what I do about the way 5-FU chemotherapy is given and why I think it is so wrong. It has taken a while for me to compile all the evidence I have found to support what I think, into one place, because there is a lot of it. It's a long spreadsheet, but I have extracted the key points from each paper I have found and read. I have highlighted the important parts of those key points, to make it as easy as possible for you to understand what so many people are saying - over and over again. The simple and clear messages are easy to understand - BSA dosing used on its own, as it is, is not rational and has no clinical rigour behind it, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) has been shown time and time again, to improve patient outcomes, whilst minimising toxicity as far as is possible and there are cost effective methods and equipment available to provide TDM for everyone. Oncologists may tell you that BSA dosing is all they'v...