PART 10: More Awkward Questions Asked

Since Part 8, I haven't been idle and have had mixed success so far. There is still more to be done.

In Part 8, I showed you an email I had sent to NICE asking them about what progress they had made on one particular test that shows potential for introducing Therapeutic Drug Monitoring into clinical oncology and was waiting for their response, which I eventually received.

I was rather discontented with their response, even though they do seem to have spent time on their answer. So, after properly considering it, I emailed them again - with some more awkward questions.

On 22 May, they eventually got back to me to say that they are now considering my latest questions and will get back to me in due course, which I expect to be another couple of months because they are apparently swamped with enquiries. Perhaps one might suggest if they did their job properly, they wouldn't have so many queries to answer, but who am I? LOL.

I also showed you a response to my original post that I had put up on the Bowel Cancer UK website, which wasn't very encouraging.

Since the recent publication of the IATDMACT paper, mentioned in my email to NICE, I put another post up on the BCUK website, drawing peoples attention to it, with a link to this blog, so they could see it.

Once again however, it has been taken down by BCUK without any explanation as to why so far. I wonder why they seem so hell-bent on shutting down the topic? I thought ahead this time though and saved a copy of my post, knowing they may well take it down.

I wonder if they will tell me what they don't like about this post? The same post went on the Macmillan website at the same time and there it still is, slowly getting likes.

I'm not getting very far with Cancer Research UK either. What is it about these charities that purport to help patients and have their best interests at heart? It's weird that they run the other way.

Now, with The Christie, at first they decided the would not meet me, despite making me that offer. After some phone calls and more emails though, they have decided to meet me after all and I'm delighted that at last, someone might be willing to have an open conversation with me about TDM instead of running the other way!

Soon, I will bring you up to date with what's been happening with Sheila since I last updated you all - and that's a much nicer story to tell you all than this one is!


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