PART 7: A Reply from the Chief Exec
You'll remember from reading Part 6, that I wasn't happy avoiding the issues I had discovered regarding the use of BSA calculation without TDM and so I decided to write to the Chief Exec of The Christie. The Chief Exec eventually sent his reply to my letters and a very carefully crafted reply it is too. I would have been proud of it myself, had I written it! It is a perfect lesson in how to look as if you are saying something meaningful, when you aren’t. It is a lesson in how to look like you are addressing the points made, but aren’t. It’s a wonderful piece of obfuscation! Well done Mr Spencer, you are a Jedi Master of avoidance LOL! You can read his response below, with my comments about his responses, in red: So, to date, no one at The Christie is prepared to fully or directly answer my questions. Should I assume that is because they think I am talking rubbish and don't want to tell me that for fear of offending me, or is it because I have hit a n...